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Latest Past Events

Art & Craft Group – Age Concern

The Workspace All Saints Road, Wolverhampton

Are you over 50 and interested in knitting/sewing? If so why not come along to our art and craft group? You may want to share your skills by helping to make comfort dolls. These are dolls made to help support people with dementia, alternatively you may wish to bring your own work with you. We…

Tai Chi Classes – Age Concern

The Institute, Tettenhall Wood Wood Road, Tettenhall Wood, Wolverhampton

Tai Chi classes for those aged 50+  - to improve mobility, health and wellbeing. Every Wednesday: 10am - 11am at: All Saints Church, All Saints Road, Wolverhampton.  WV2 1EL and from 6th September 2023: 12pm - 1pm  at: The Institute, Wood Road, Tettenhall Wood, WV6 8NF No previous experience of Tai Chi is needed - these are beginners…


Tai Chi Classes – Age Concern

All Saints Church All Saints Road, Wolverhampton.

Tai Chi classes for those aged 50+  - to improve mobility, health and wellbeing. Every Wednesday: 10am - 11am at: All Saints Church, All Saints Road, Wolverhampton.  WV2 1EL and from 6th September 2023: 12pm - 1pm  at: The Institute, Wood Road, Tettenhall Wood, WV6 8NF No previous experience of Tai Chi is needed - these are beginners…
